I have never made it a secret how I got Hepatitis. I got is injecting cocaine with a partner that had it back in the '70's. In the 70's no one knew much about it. They knew there was Hep A and Hep B and then there was this other thing. They didn't know what it was, this other "thing." They called it non A or non B. The red Cross didn't start screening for non A-B until about 1987.
So fast foreword to 1995. The symptoms of Hep are suttle, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea. I didn't know if I was just tired or had the flu. The doc told me I had Hepatitis C. I was stunned for there is no cure. I began researching all I could find about Hepatitis. I was amazed that there were thousands of cases of "SPONTANIOUS" hepatitis. People that never had a tainted blood transfusion and never was an IV drug user. I always wondered how a super bug like Hep could invade my body and stay hidden for 20 years before it decided to come out and fuck with me. I discovered that it is very hard to kill.
Alcohol will not kill it unless left in contact with the alcohol indefinitely. That means that a quick swipe with an alcohol swab won't do it, industrial cleaning solutions used in institution, homeless shelters and other public building won't kill it. The autoclave used in hospitals to kill germs on instruments don't ALWAYS kill it. Bleach is the only sure killer.
Recently I was in a discussion with a former military nurse, Viet Nam era, she gave hundreds of shots to hundreds of soldiers. The needles and equipment were re-used after being sanitized only in the alcohol which may not kill the non A non B virus. It's entirely possible, she believes, she was injecting this super bug into the soldiers. Could this account for perhaps some of the "spontaneous" cases?
I discussed the same situation with a pathologist doctor friend of mine. He told me of his days as a military doctor injecting 50 to 60 soldiers at a time with one of those "guns", bang bang bang, standing in the rain, blood running down their arms. "Is it possible," I asked, " that you were unknowingly injecting non A non B virus into the soldiers?" "Absolutely" he said, and added, "you can get a lot of weird shit in the military." Could this perhaps account for some of the "spontaneous cases?
I discussed this situation with Dr. Tom Orvald, a retired heart surgeon friend of mine. He agrees non A and non B have been unknowing injected accidentally for years..
And then there is the original hypodermic needle, the mosquito. If a mosquito can bite someone with malaria and bite some else and give them malaria, can't they bite some one with Hep C and then bite someone else and give them Hep C. "Yes of course," agreed Dr Orvald.
My detectives mind was never satisfied with the unknown, the explanation that this super bug, this almost impossible to kill bug, this bug that can hide in your body for 20 plus years and then come on subtlety to kill you, could be contacted spontaneously. I got hepatitis shooting cocaine, but there are thousands with hepatitis that never were drug addicts that non the less suffer the stigma of a drug user.
I sincerely hope this explanation backed by medical professionals lifts the stigma. Blame it on the military or any line you may have stood in years ago getting shots. Spontaneous is not how anyone gets this super bug!!
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